The How To’s of HIVE


This is a collection of posts focused on helping new Hivizens learn the how to's of Hive as well as getting acquainted with Hive etiquette.

You will learn why communities are an asset to Hive, how they grow when you join and use them and how to post in communities.

This post is more geared toward the @ocd community and their Incubation Program. It talks about why one should post in niche communities, the rules for posting in the OCD community and additional pointers for creating a quality post.

The target of this guide was for the Shadow Hunters community but the info is useful in general to all content creators to help improve their posts. @Galenkp speaks about a lack of passion, personality and effort. He also shares tips on photography, presentation and Hive etiquette.

Included in this post by @steevc are a list of things that could cause your Hive journey to plummet. He offers ways on how to avoid this and be more successful.

Learn what curators look for in a quality post and how you can make your post a target for curation.

These are some great tips on how to have a great start on Hive!

Part 2 of how to get a great start on Hive. This is a very helpful guide for newbies!

Here are some inspiration and ideas on how you could formulate your posts. Included is a list of helpful editing tools.

In this post you'll learn how to hook viewers in well with your headlines and thumbnails.

Learn 7 hacks to add more flavor to your posts.

This post talks about why it's okay to share those not so happy moments and how it could be a benefit to others.

This is Part 1 of @ryzeonline's Complete Beginners Guide to Hive. It includes things like signing up, keys, hive power, creating a post and much more.

This is Part 2 of @ryzeonline's Complete Beginners Guide to Hive. You'll learn about engagement, earnings, delegating, Hive's witnesses and much more.

You will learn how to properly cite your sources for your posts.

Learn why proper tag usage is important and how to analyze and use them correctly.

Learn more about tags and their proper usage.

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