Sapien Loop - Chapter 28: Journey to Adoy


Chapter 28: Journey to Adoy

It was the day before Orcille’s speech at the House of Divine Knowledge. Pardi, the twins, and three Carvaress employees were at the train station before it was open to the rest of the public.

‘Here is your carriage. It is fit for princesses,’ said Pardi to the twins. He opened the door to reveal the beautifully decorated carriage.

‘This will do, I guess,’ said Yassmay. The twins ran in to make themselves comfortable.

Pardi turned to the three employees. ‘This is it. Any last questions?’ asked Pardi.

‘What if these girls are not where you expect them to be at the time of the incident?’ asked Joselin, the short female employee.

‘I am very confident they will be,’ replied Pardi. ‘According to reliable sources, these girls always take the same route home. Just in case they are not there, just grab any available wandering children.’

‘What about the twins?’ asked Joselin.

‘You will have to track them down and inform them they will be playing somebody else. Don’t worry, this scenario isn’t going to happen,’ explained Pardi calmly.

The employees nodded as they boarded the train. ‘Bye bye girls, I’ll see you again when you’re superstars,’ shouted Pardi as he closed the carriage door.

Yassme turned to the Carvaress employees and asked, ‘Why has this carriage got no windows?’

‘That’s because you are on a top secret acting mission,’ replied Joselin.

‘That’s a relief. I thought it was a decked-out prison carriage,’ responded Yassmay with a giggle.

The three employees smiled nervously.

‘Hmm, nice. Pastries, pancakes, fruit, and bread,’ said Yassme as she walked over to the food table. Both twins started to fill their plates.

‘Come join us for breakfast,’ said Yassmay.

The three employees joined them at the table.

‘Why are you really here?’ asked Yassme. ‘Daddy knows we don’t need babysitters.’

‘Oh yes, he knows that. This is such a long journey for both of you. It could be a little stressful,’ replied Jarlint, one of the male employees.

‘That could explain why one of you came. Three seems a little excessive,’ stated Yassme.

‘We have other work-related things to attend to in Adoy,’ replied Jarlint.

‘Like becoming friendly with the two girls we are playing in this movie,’ responded Yassmay in a slightly raised voice, while emphasising the word ‘movie’ in inverted commas with her fingers raised up.

‘We are just looking after them while you play your part,’ replied Jimmoy, the other male employee, in a stressed tone.

The girls looked at each other and began giggling. ‘We are only joking,’ said Yassme with a smile on her face. ‘Don’t stress out so much. Enjoy the ride with us!’

The three employees sighed in relief. The twins had fun with the employees for most of the day. The employees eventually grew accustomed to the twins’ sense of humour.

It was late in the evening, and the girls were feeling tired.

‘We want to go to bed now,’ they said as they looked at Joselin.

‘Would you tuck us in bed, please?’ asked Yassme.

‘Sure, no problem,’ replied Joselin.

‘We don’t have a mummy,’ said Yassmay with a sad look on her face.

‘Daddy only likes males. He made us in a laboratory,’ said Yassme.

‘Is this another joke?’ asked Joselin.

‘No,’ responded Yassmay. ‘Stay with us until we fall asleep.’

‘Sure, babies,’ she responded.

She stayed with them for about thirty minutes. When she was convinced they were sleeping, she kissed them both on the forehead and walked over to the two male employees.

Jarlint gently clapped. ‘That was some nice acting,’ he said to Joselin.

‘Anything to get them asleep. They are the worst children I have ever met,’ she said as she rolled her eyes.

‘Oh man, the boss is into sausage. That explains a lot,’ said Jimmoy.

‘You will keep that to yourself,’ said Jarlint sternly.

‘Okay, sure,’ said Jimmoy sheepishly.

‘I’m going to take a nap. We have a busy day tomorrow,’ said Jarlint as he laid out on the bed.

‘Looks like we’re left with the sofa,’ said Jimmoy in a frustrated tone.

‘It’s a very nice sofa,’ replied Joselin.

They both laid out on the sofa to take a short nap before they arrived.

‘This plan is ridiculous,’ remarked Joselin. ‘The twins look nothing like the girls they are supposed to be impersonating. Everyone’s going to see through it immediately.’

‘Don’t worry about it. That’s a Carvaress problem,’ said Jimmoy as he rubbed her leg. ‘I’m getting so many home tokens for this dumb job. I’m going to completely deck out my house,’ said Jimmoy confidently.

‘I’m getting travel and holiday tokens. They’re sufficient for a six-month getaway,’ said Joselin as she pushed Jimmoy’s hand off her leg.

Several hours later, ‘Morning sleepy heads,’ said the twins in unison as they faced Jimmoy and Joselin, who were still lying on the sofa.

‘Oh my gosh, you look so different!’ exclaimed Joselin.

‘We are great at whatever we do,’ stated Yassme.

‘How about the voices? Can you do their voices?’ asked Jimmoy.

Yassmay spoke with a different accent.

‘Wow, how do you know that’s correct?’ asked Joselin.

‘Daddy let us listen to the school audio tapes,’ replied Yassme indignantly.

‘I’m really impressed,’ said Joselin.

‘Hmm, he hogged the bed for himself, and he’s still sleeping,’ said Yassmay as she looked over at Jarlint. ‘Let’s wake him in style, sister,’ Yassmay said to Yassme.

The twins went over to the Jarlint. They screamed as loud as they could next to his ears. Jarlint fell out of bed in shock.

‘Look, we’re ready. We’re waiting on you. We arrive in twenty minutes,’ said Yassme to Jarlint as he rubbed his head.

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