The Invasive Tree


Good afternoon, everybody! The past few days reading people's posts about their bonsai trees has made me want to share mine. Although not strictly bonsai, it is miniature and I think that's the main thing it has going for it.


This tree is a type of acacia I believe and in the wild they don't grow very tall, like a peach tree. I planted it from seed which I collected in Mexico. There, it is a nuisance. The thorny little trees spring up like weeds everywhere and only goats like to eat it but then they spread the seeds in the droppings everywhere. Mine has not bloomed yet but they give pretty yellow pom-pom like flowers that are apparently popular for perfumes.
This particular tree was once four times taller before I hard-pruned it recently. I try not to water it too heavily because the pot, or should I say the orange juice bottle I repurposed, leaks too much and I don't have a tray for this tree. Sometimes this causes me to neglect it entirely and once all the leaves fell off. Luckily, this was probably just a response it has in the wild to the dry season. That was when I pruned it halfway down (before pruning halfway down again later).
I also repotted it into the same pot. Before, it halfway down so I basically just lifted it, added more soil and set it back on top.
I would like to learn how to trim roots. The last I tried it, on my black persimmon, it got infected with mold and died. This was probably due to me pruning too hardly along with planting it a container that was too big which made the mold problem worse.
I couldn't find any previous posts specifically dedicated to this tree. Pictures of it are probably hidden somewhere.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my little tree. It's starting to look like how I've been imagining it. Let me know what you think!

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