Yesterday I completed my first day of training!

...and today, before I start my second day, I thought I'd babble about it.


I know the job climate is bad at the moment. Everyone's fighting for every tiny job that appears and I'm so desperately excited that I landed this one. A work from home job that will pay me a very decent amount an hour, and currently has me rostered on for 37.5 hours a week for the next month.

That is absolutely amazing and will enable my partner and I to save a hefty chunk every week. Owning our own home no longer seems like a Lottery Win Dream! However, the hours are only casual, and I'm fully aware that after this first month of training my hours could decrease significantly.

What really got me though, whilst experiencing my first day of online training...

Okay, so we were all on a Microsoft Teams meeting. And I am utterly astonished at the amount of people who were short-listed for this very technological role, who got through to the hiring stage for this very technological role... and are evidently not technological people at all. The first half of our training session involved screen-sharing in able to hand-hold people who had no idea.

I want to give a few out of context examples, but I'm not sure if I should on this transparent blockchain.

I'm really hoping that today goes a bit better, because I feel like we wasted so much time yesterday that could have been spent on training but was instead spent on guiding people on how to log into Google. (Required for Google Workspaces and using our new company emails)

The entire thing was killing my brain. I was constantly eye-rolling, facepalming, relaying all of this information to my partner who is laughing his arse off and double-relaying all of my information to a friend who was also having a good chuckle.

Also, I was surprised as to how exhausted I felt after training yesterday.

I am literally on the computer all day and all night. Well. Not literally all the time. But generally. So I was expecting to breeze through being able to concentrate on an 8hr online training session.

I ended up with a headache, felt drained, and I was falling asleep by 8:30pm instead of my usual 10pm.

I expect my body will get more used to this over time.

Anyway! I just thought I'd babble a bit, get it out of my system, share with all of you lovely people who choose to read this. I start my next training session in a couple of hours. Need to quickly eat and prepare myself. Might take some panadol before the session starts in order to pre-empt any headaches.

Thanks for stopping by!!! ❤️😊❤️



The header image is courtesy of me, @kaelci.

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