It's midnight

Am pissed as fuck.

Context to the madness.

On Fridays I try to do intermittent fasting. At times I struggle and at times t soar like an eagle with no feathers. Today I succeeded in eighteen hours.

Hours roll on forever when I am not enjoying my show. Is not fun when I'm not on my show. Is a variety show. The constant flux in my brain tells me to not look back. Not look front. And definately not look around.

It's strange when your inner voice argues with your hands. I mean why do I even bother questioning morality. Are there morals that stand the test of time. Especially when times are mad. Like a Chinaman in a bulls shop. Knocking down dominoes. Stacking and unstacking.

Where am I going with this? Well for starters of your asking me that honestly. Why? You wouldn't even trust me driving me down the road to the shop. Am pissed remember?

Am I imparting nuggets that can raise you to the heavens?

Am afraid of being noticed. Then why the fuck are you writing this?

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