Themes of 2021 and beyond: a little bit of astrology and math

Hi everyone,

Are you wondering what 2021 holds in store for us?

My feeling is that things will get (remain?) quite rocky for another couple of years, before we have successfully changed the world :)


"By 2025 we will live in a different world" I heard an astrologer say some time ago, and this rings true for me. Let's hope "different" means "better", and that we all get rewarded for the rocky times we've been through.

Why are things so rocky? Because of Saturn and Uranus, apparently:

Saturn stands for limits, Uranus stands for no limits.
Saturn is control, Uranus is freedom.

From around 8:15min into the above clip, astrologer Pam Gregory lists all the themes we will see play out thanks to those two planets in 2021.

Here are a few examples:

  • Centralisation vs. Decentralisation
  • Old vs. New
  • Routine vs. Innovation
  • Control & Obedience vs. Freedom and Rebellion

We've been witnessing this for a while, haven't we? It's a battle. But Pam Gregory also says, "Uranus always wins in these kind of fights." ...Phew! :)

Another thing she says early on:

Cryptocurrencies are going to become bigger.

Please don't write to me, I know nothing about them.

Ha ha!

While that sounds good for Bitcoin; based on the Saturn traits of control and regulation, I believe we will also see the rollout of CBDC's (Central Bank Digital Currencies) next year. I'm not a fan, as you may know, especially when they come together with a disappearance of physical cash and therefore a lot more control. Things may get a little worse before they get better.

So, I'm going to focus on 2025 rather than the few years in between :)

Moon Math

I do believe that this bull market will be bigger than any of us can imagine. I know I've said $150-$200k per Bitcoin by the end of 2021, but I have a feeling that's a very conservative estimate. The forecasts that some banks (yes, banks) are making now, are twice or three times as high. Maybe not within 12 months, but 18 or 24.

This bull run may very well be the biggest bull run we'll ever see.

We will keep having market cycles and ups and downs, of course, but we may never see again what we'll see over the next two years. The amount of institutional money that's about to come in is huuuuuuuge. The demand is incredible. Since there are only so many Bitcoin, all the new large investors might take all the available Bitcoin off the market in a first-come-first-serve way.

When demand grows, the supply has to grow, too. If the supply doesn't grow, then the price will grow instead.

Remember, Bitcoin has a finite supply. The supply will not grow. Therefore the price will, as we are already seeing.

This is why Bitcoin is a once-in-a-lifetime financial opportunity for us. For the first time in history, we have a chance to get in before the big guys, who will drive the price up to the moon.

So if you are already in - congratulations! You will be very happy every time you check your Bitcoin balance over the next two years. <3

Wishing you a great start into the New Year!

If you want to get more into this and learn how to invest safely and also securely store your coins and earn passive income on them, I'd love it if you join me in my Movers & Stakers Patreon group!

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About the author:

Anja Schuetz helps absolute beginners to become confident crypto investors in her Movers & Stakers Club on Patreon.How to stay safe in the crypto space Ebook mini.png
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