Jean Baudrillard Oil Portrait


This work was painted in oil on Arches paper. Jean Baudrillard lived from 1929-2007. He was a French philosopher associated with post-structuralism. 'Simulacra and Simulation' is my favorite book of his.

A strange feeling has come over me in recent weeks. It's felt as if something important or even pivotal is about to happen. Perhaps it could be named undifferentiated anticipation. Or apprehension. This feeling has no evident basis. Although there are changes happening in a few areas of my life, none of these seem like that big of a deal.

Things are good professionally. My services are in demand, my books are selling, and I'm beginning to distribute @rstory tokens. But nothing in this area seems important enough to warrant the feeling that I'm talking about. There are changes going on in my household, but these have almost nothing to do with me. So this feeling can't really be attributed to them. My personal life consists primarily of working on the next novel and having afternoon coffee @caffetto. I'm also regularly dealing with medical stuff. Nothing here can really account for the feeling either.

Regardless, this feeling persists. If it isn't about home or work or my personal life, what could it be about? Having eliminated all other obvious possibilities, I'm entertaining the idea that its nature is spiritual.

My everyday spiritual practice isn't complicated. I try to do no harm, fulfill obligations, keep my word, and use my time to make the world better. It's unclear how my feeling of anticipation might pertain to this practice. The feeling itself is distinctly more positive than negative. Maybe that's a clue.

The truth is that I give spiritual matters almost no consideration these days. Instead of thinking about them, I instead try to focus on pragmatic action. Being kind to people and present with them. That kind of stuff. My feeling of anticipation could indicate that some important lesson will soon come from this. But I sort of hope that's not what's going on.

All things considered, I'm not really in the market for an important spiritual lesson. My experience has been that such lessons often accompany horrible things. Things like death and illness and tragedy. If avoiding these things means missing spiritual lessons, my preference is to miss the lessons. But it's possible I'm unconsciously anticipating a different kind of lesson.

What that might actually amount to remains to be seen. I'm certainly open to new perspectives, even if they challenge my current belief structure. And maybe it's time for my spiritual ground to evolve by the mysterious procedures that govern such things. I don't really expect that to happen. I expect things to stay exactly the same, despite knowing that this expectation is unrealistic, because I can't envision what lays beyond the boundaries of my current paradigm.

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