Answer The Phone Wouldja??

Hi !

Happy Friday ! I just logged out of my work desk a little while ago and now it's PARTY ON !!! .... the weekend is here !


In my never ending journey to dejunk my entire house (do I say that every post now ??? OMGoodness ! does it ever end??).... I will eventually come across everything I still own. It's a lot.... a lot of junk that is....ha ha


While I was supposed to be thinking about the work I was doing, I was thinking about the chest I just pushed into the living room in the middle of the night earlier this week and thought about the couple of things that were still in the bottom drawer that needed to be resolved before my art supplies could fill it back up.

This phone was one of the last two things in there. My mind wondered about where it would be RE-stored, because I knew I wasn't letting it go yet.


After a moment, it dawned on me that it was colorful art, therefore it needed to sit out somewhere around my living area where all my other wild art is splattered all over the walls. YES ! what a great idea !


Might as well enjoy it if I am going to keep it. I don't know what year I got it...late 70's... early 80s? I think my Mom may have asked me what I wanted for Christmas one year and this is what I told her I wanted.

It was and still is so very neat where the clear case lets you see inside and Unisonic put colorful components inside it so that it was bright and happy looking and it even lit up when it rang !


You just can't get cooler than that, can you?

Even the cord casing was clear so you could see the colorful wires winding through them.


It should have been displayed as a piece of art all along. How did I not think of that before ?? Well... better late than never Imma thinkin.

RING RING !! Give me a call ... ok?....

Hope you all have or are already having a bodacious weekend.

Love ya !



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