Small WOMAN artwork #6/Pequeño SKETCH#6. By Alejandra Herrera


A veces, cuando me enfrento al bloqueo creativo, me gusta hacer un dibujo simple y colocarle una característica inusual, quizás perturbadora.

Así nace éste sketch, una mujer desnuda, tranquilamente sentada en la naturaleza, con la cabeza cubierta por una calavera de algún animal, aún con su cornamenta. ¿O es esa su cabeza?

Utilicé para este sketch las primeras líneas en color negro, luego repasadas con estilógrafo y el fondo coloreado con tizas pasteles.

English version

Sometimes, when I face creative blockage, I like to make a simple drawing and place an unusual, perhaps disturbing, feature on it.

This is how this sketch is born, a naked woman, quietly sitting in nature, with her head covered by a skull of some animal, even with her antlers. Or is that your head?

I used for this sketch the first lines in black, then reviewed with a fountain pen and the background colored with pastel chalk.

Here I share a little of my process


If you liked my illustration, you can check my previous post, Small FANTINE portrait #5, Small EROTIC artwork #6 and Small PORTRAIT#4

If you like my work, visit my Instagram account

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