MIND CONTROL METHODS - Part 1 - World View Poisoning

This new series examines mind control methods that are used to enslave humanity.

World View Poisoning

Let’s examine 3 types of world view poisoning, how they are caused to occur, and why.  We’ll also look at how these poisoned world views can be healed.    

Please note:  This is not meant to be a complete list of types of world view poisoning.   To keep this post a reasonable length, only 3 are mentioned and focused on.  

1.  External Authority Worship 

2.  Distorted Value System 

3.  Powerlessness-Feeling That Change Is Not Possible

Let's take a more in-depth look at each one.

1.  External Authority Worship – External control is necessary for freedom and safety 

How is this falsehood perpetuated and maintained in the minds of billions of individuals?

This starts at a very young age in the schooling system.    

Messages that external authority is legitimate, necessary, and has the “moral high ground” are constantly conveyed in news, TV, movies, books, magazines, and online information outlets.     

The messages contained in these various media sources are repeated in personal communications between individuals and in groups.  This has the effect of “normalizing” the information, which leads most people to subconsciously accept these deceptions as truth.

External authority being said to exist is the opposite of truth, and therefore, the world view of those who believe those messages is poisoned with lies.    

The effect of this poisoned world view is wrong action and tolerance of wrong action, which creates the system of slavery that we currently experience.    

2.  Distorted Values

How are values distorted?

Distorted values are ubiquitously promoted in school and the media, and then becomes self-perpetuating in the interactions between individuals and groups.    

What are these values?

A.  A number of fiat “money” you “make”.  Material possessions, such as house, car, etc.  Artificial status symbols.    

B.  A Job/Career – I’m a doctor….I’m a lawyer….I’m a soldier….I’m a cop An individual believing that his or her personal identity and self-worth is tied to a certain career is another way in which value systems are distorted.  

In reality, morality should be the number one priority.  This is because through true morality, liberty is experienced.  When one gets to know a person, the first question asked should not be how much “money you make” or “what you do for a living” but rather

Do your actions harm others, directly or indirectly? 

Do you know the difference between right and wrong behavior? 

Do you know what liberty is? 

3.  Change is not possible because

A.  Just little old me.  What can I do?

B.  That’s just the way the world works

C.  Even if I change it wouldn’t do any good, because I know not enough other people will change.

Again, these messages are mainly disseminated from schools and various media.    

These beliefs lead to inaction, obedience, apathy, and conformity.  This ultimately allows immoral gangs of individuals, who intentionally take wrong action, to cause suffering and slavery.

Why is world view poisoning used as a mind control weapon?

Simple.  It is used by dark occultists to help create a power and resource gap between them and the rest of their fellow humans.  Ultimately, it helps them to become the masters over an enslaved populace.    

How can a poisoned world view be healed?

In order to heal a poisoned world view, an individual must realize the truth that   

1.  External authority is an illusion 

2.  Understanding of objective moral law and right actions based on this knowledge create an experience of liberty 

3.  Change is possible, and it starts with the individual.

Stay tuned for part 2 of this series on mind-control methods!

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from flickr



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