My Actifit Report Card and Update: December 13 2019

Hi Everyone,

It's Actifit Report and Update time. Since my previous report, I have posted two videos on 3Speak. The two videos are connected. One video takes a look at price discrimination and the other at a commodity bundling (a type of second degree price discrimination).

Before I discuss the videos, just a quick update about my activity. I managed a reasonably good count yesterday. I achieved the counts the usual way by doing my shopping and walking Mango the dog. Prior to Friday, I didn't have particularly high counts, as the weather was keeping me indoors. I managed to get quite a few hours of gaming on my PS4, which was good fun.


It was great to be back making videos again. I made over 50 videos for my Udemy course but not many for sharing to Steem. The first of the videos, 'Price Disrimination', focused on 4 different types of price discrimination. First degree to fourth degree price discrimination. The video explained using examples for each type and the post itself contained detail definitions of these types of price discrimination.

The second video focused on commodity bundling, which can be considered a type of second degree price discrimination. The video explained the application of commodity bundling in the real world as well as contained a hypothetical example, which explained how it can be conducted. The post contained slides to help support the content of the video.

These two videos have value as they are focused on real life application of economics. Price discrimination is intended to increase profits of firms but in several cases the buyers benefit as well. Commodity bundling is an example of a likely win-win outcome for buyers and sellers.

The videos are also available on YouTube. I believe it is important to circulate content beyond just Steem. I will be sharing the videos on Facebook on my Spectrum Economics page.

Upcoming content

I will be writing about Brexit again. This time about the Brexit election. I made a prediction about the election before it was called. My prediction turned out to be quite a bit off as I was expecting a hung parliament and a far greater presence from the Brexit Party. I will discuss what I believe happened as well the implications in the post itself.

I will also make a start on my new series 'the blockchain economy'. I plan to begin by focusing on wants and outcomes. I will, mostly likely, not be going into detail about the main ideas around the blockchain economy until about the third post in the series.

That takes me to the end of another Actifit Report and Update. I wish you all a wonderful and active weekend.

Shopping, Walking

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