Calling All Truth Lions, Blog, Photography

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(If you are short on time scroll down and check out the Lukas Lion video)

Many of you may be scratching your head a little over my response to the current situation. Why don't I just take the path of least resistance. Well. Folks believe it or not, I am not a science illiterate; I am as pro-science as you can get and pro-freedom. I could prioritize my own path of least resistance, learn the skills I need to flourish in this new era of control, and keep my head down. But the vast majority of people I know for a variety of reasons cannot do that.

I was hesitant to believe the conspiracy theorists but as things progress, it gets harder to do so. Certainly our democracy and human rights are under threat.

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From my twitter ...

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From the twitter of James Melville ...

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Understand, Israel, Gibraltar, Iceland, Finland, the UK, and many places in the US, along with basic evolution, tells us these vaccines will not set us free because they are leaky and will only promote the spread of resistant variants.

They are not the path to freedom and so vaccine passports are not the path to freedom. Rather the vaccines were always meant to be the path to vaccine passports and totalitarianism.

Do not allow a media driven by propaganda to make a tyrant out of you; to be the means of your own enslavement. Do not allow a corrupt medical system to mislay the culpability for the death of vulnerable.


Time to Roar

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