


I learned so many languages in the past but for now, I can only speak English, basic small talk in German and conversational Indonesian. The rest of other languages are something I am currently re-learning like Spanish. I think knowing Spanish and Portuguese these days are lucrative just as lucrative as knowing Cantonese,Mandarin,and Japanese.

Other than human languages, I know a bit of machine languages such as basic HTML, CSS, bit of Python, Solidity. I am trying to expand my knowledge in machine languages since knowing these would make it easier for me to transition into different industry.

My long term goal would be able to speak more than 12+ languages and able to at least hold a philosophical conversation and understand nuances instead a basic conversational level. Sure, this will take time but I think 5-6 years would be much more reasonable for me to achieve my goals. I can try learning 1-2 language/year instead of cramming 3-4 languages in a year and ended up not remembering many things or confusing one language with another.

In the next post, I will be explaining some languages that I think was difficult to learn and made me loose interest quickly. So,stay tuned for the next one.


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~ Mac


Mac covers technology, philosophy, nootropics, books, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, she enjoys learning art and exploring new hobbies. In Hive, she enjoys writing essays, reviews and answering life philosophical questions.
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